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Tuesday, August 25, 2020

VOA News| Plastic Pollution Flowing into Oceans to Triple by 2040


Source: https://learningenglish.voanews.com/a/study-plastic-pollution-flowing-into-oceans-to-triple-by-2040/5516326.html ***Study: Plastic Pollution Flowing into Oceans to Triple by 2040*** The amount of plastic waste flowing into the ocean could triple in 20 years unless businesses and governments act to reduce plastic production. That warning comes from a new study that appeared recently in the publication Science. The study was carried out by scientists and industry experts for The Pew Charitable Trusts and SYSTEMIQ, an advising business. The study, called “Breaking the Plastic Wave,” identified measures that could reduce plastic pollution that gets into the ocean by 80 percent. If no action is taken, however, the amount of plastic going into the sea every year will rise from 11 million metric tons to 29 million metric tons by 2040, the study said. “Plastic pollution is something that affects everyone. It's not a ‘your problem and not my problem’. It’s not one country’s problem. It’s everyone’s problem,” said Winnie Lau. She is a senior official at Pew and one of the lead writers of the study. “It’s going to get worse if we don’t do anything,” she added. The report suggests redirecting hundreds of billions of dollars in plastic production investment into alternative materials. The report also calls for recycling centers and waste collection expansion in developing countries. Such action would require a sharp change in how the energy industry does things. The industry has been building new chemical plants around the world to increase plastic output. This is happening as the industry’s traditional fuel business has decreased because of a rise in cleaner energy sources. The amount of plastic manufactured each year has been climbing since 1950 when 2 million metric tons were produced. By 2017, that number had risen to 348 million metric tons. The study recommends that governments put in place laws to discourage new plastic production and provide more financial support for reusable alternatives. The plastic industry has pushed back against government bans on single-use plastic products. Some of the biggest buyers of plastic are major companies like Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Nestle and Unilever. These companies have all made promises to use a greater amount of recycled material in the future. But current promises from businesses and governments will not reduce plastic enough. In fact, the Pew and SYSTEMIQ study found that current measures would only reduce the plastic flowing into the ocean by 7 percent by 2040. To cut the flow of ocean plastic by 80 percent, the study said that paper or other materials that break down naturally must be used instead of single-use plastic. It also notes that packaging for products should be redesigned. Some people have criticized the study for including burning, chemical recycling and plastic-to-fuel factories as ways to deal with plastic waste. Critics note that these methods involve the release of heat-trapping carbon gasses while also helping to continue with plastic production. Single-use plastic products have become increasingly popular during the coronavirus crisis, the International Solid Waste Association has said. Face coverings and latex gloves are washing up each day on empty beaches in Asia. And landfills worldwide are filled with record amounts of food containers and delivery packaging. I’m Ashley Thompson. The Reuters news agency reported this story. Ashley Thompson adapted it for VOA Learning English. Mario Ritter, Jr. was the editor.   Words in This Story • triple /ˈtrɪpəl/ –v. to cause something to grow three times (or 200 percent) larger • alternative /ɑlˈtɚnətɪv/ –n. something that can be chosen instead of something else • discourage /dɪˈskɚrəʤ/ –v. to make a person or group less likely to do something • packaging /ˈpækɪʤɪŋ/ – n. protective material that encloses something so that it can be transported without damage • latex /ˈleɪˌtɛks/ – n. a rubber-like material

Monday, August 24, 2020

Sports Vocabulary| Learning English Vocabulary by Topic| Finish


Sports Vocabulary | Learning English Vocabulary by Topic| Finish

Sports vocabulary


Outfield /ˈaʊtˌfiːld/  noun


1 a : the part of a baseball field that includes the area beyond the infield and between the foul lines

§  He threw the ball to home plate from the outfield.

: the part of a cricket field that is away from the wickets

: the players who are positioned in the outfield

§  The team has one of the best outfields in the league.

— compare infield

— outfielder  /ˈaʊtˌfiːldɚ/  noun, plural outfielders US [count]

§  a young outfielder [=a baseball player who plays in the outfield]


Penalty /ˈpɛnl̟ti/  noun

: punishment for breaking a rule or law


§  The company was given/assessed a severe/stiff penalty for the violation.

§  They allowed him to pay back the money without a penalty.


§  They allowed him to pay back the money without penalty.

— see also death penalty

[count] : a disadvantage or difficulty you experience

§  Lack of privacy is one of the penalties you pay for fame.

[count] : a punishment or disadvantage given to a team or player for breaking a rule in a game

§  The hockey player was given/assessed a penalty for holding.



Recreational /ˌrɛkriˈeɪʃənl̟/  adjective

1 : done for enjoyment

§  recreational activities

of a drug : used for pleasure instead of for medical purposes

§  Marijuana is a recreational drug.

§  recreational drug users


Referee /ˌrɛfəˈriː/  noun



: a person who makes sure that players act according to the rules of a game or sport

§  a football/soccer referee



Stadium /ˈsteɪdijəm/  noun


: a very large usually roofless building that has a large open area surrounded by many rows of seats and that is used for sports events, concerts, etc.



Trainer /ˈtreɪnɚ/  noun



: a person who teaches or coaches athletes or animals : a person who trains athletes or animals

§  the boxer and his trainer

§  a horse trainer

§  She hired a personal trainer.


Sunday, August 23, 2020

Sports Vocabulary | Learning English Vocabulary by Topic| 04

#P83vlog #SportsVocabulary #learningenglishvocabulary Source: https://www.learnersdictionary.com/ Website: http://www.eng4free.info/ Sports Vocabulary | Learning English Vocabulary by Topic| 04 Sports vocabulary 1) Goalkeeper /ˈgoʊlˌkiːpɚ/ noun [count] : a player who defends the goal in various games (especially soccer) — compare GOALTENDER — goalkeeping /ˈgoʊlˌkiːpɪŋ/ noun [noncount] 2) Goalpost /ˈgoʊlˌpoʊst/ noun [count] : one of two upright posts that form part of the goal in various games (such as soccer, hockey, and football) move/shift the goalposts : to change the rules or requirements in a way that makes success more difficult 3) Halftime /ˈhæfˌtaɪm/ Brit /ˈhɑːfˌtaɪm/ noun [noncount] : the period of rest between the end of the first half and the beginning of the second half in games like football and basketball • The score was tied at halftime. • The coaches discussed strategy during halftime. 4) Hockey /ˈhɑːki/ noun [noncount] : a game played on an ice rink in which two teams of six players on skates use curved sticks to try to shoot a puck into the opponent's goal — called also (US) hockey — compare FIELD HOCKEY 5) Kickoff /ˈkɪkˌɑːf/ noun [count] 1 : a kick that starts play in a game (such as American football or soccer) • a long kickoff • The kickoff (of the game) is at 1:00. [=the game begins at 1:00] 2 : the start of something • At his campaign kickoff, the senator gave a passionate speech about combating poverty. • His speech marked the kickoff of his campaign. — see also kick off at 1KICK 6) Opponent /əˈpoʊnənt/ noun [count] 1 : a person, team, group, etc., that is competing against another in a contest • She is a formidable opponent in the race for senator. • The team's opponents have not lost a game this season. • He knocked out his opponent in the third round. 2 : a person, group, etc., that is against something (such as an action, law, or system) : someone or something that does not want something to exist, be done, etc. — often + of • opponents of the war • opponents of building a new baseball stadium • opponents of abortion/slavery/communism — opposite PROPONENT

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Learning English Vocabulary| Sports Topic| 02

Learning English Vocabulary Topic about Sports 02
Sports vocabulary
1) Baseball /ˈbeɪsˌbɑːl/ noun
1. [noncount] : a game played on a large field by two teams of nine players who try to score runs by hitting a small ball with a bat and then running to each of the four bases without being put out
• He likes playing baseball.
• We watched baseball on TV last night.
— often used before another noun
• a baseball player/team/game
• a baseball bat/card
2. [count] : the ball used in baseball

2) Bench /ˈbɛntʃ/ noun
: a long seat where the members of a sports team wait for a chance to play
• He spent most of his season on the bench. [=he did not play in many games]
• He plays better coming off the bench. [=coming into the game after it has started]
— often used before another noun
• a bench player [=a reserve player; a player who is part of a team's bench]

3) Catcher /ˈkætʃɚ/ /ˈkɛtʃɚ/ noun
1. [count] : someone or something that catches something
• a dog catcher
• The cat is a good mouse catcher.
2. baseball : the player who plays behind home plate and catches the pitches thrown by the pitcher

4) Champion /ˈtʃæmpijən/ noun
1. : someone or something (such as a team or an animal) that has won a contest or competition especially in sports
• tennis champions
• the heavyweight boxing champion of the world
• Our team will play the defending/reigning/current champions next week.
• the newly crowned national/world/Olympic champions
— often used before another noun
• a champion boxer/skier/swimmer
• champion racehorses
2. : someone who fights or speaks publicly in support of a person, belief, cause, etc.
• He was a champion for the working classes.
— often + of
• She was a lawyer and a champion of children's rights.

5) Championship /ˈtʃæmpijənˌʃɪp/ noun
1. [count] : an important competition that decides which player or team is the best in a particular sport, game, etc.
• the heavyweight boxing championship
— often plural
• We made it to the basketball championships this year, but we lost in the final game.
— often used before another noun
• a championship game/race/match/competition
2. : the title of champion in a sport or game
• The team hasn't won a championship in 30 years.
• This year she'll be defending the championship. = She'll try to win the championship again.

6) Coach /ˈkoʊtʃ/ noun
1. [count] : a person who teaches and trains an athlete or performer
• a track/tennis star who has been working with a new coach
• a vocal/voice/drama coach
2. : a person who teaches and trains the members of a sports team and makes decisions about how the team plays during games
• a football/basketball/soccer coach

Learning English Vocabulary| Topic: Sports| 03

Learning English Vocabulary Topic about Sports 03
Sports vocabulary
1) Competitive /kəmˈpɛtətɪv/ adjective
2) Defence /dɪˈfɛns/ noun
3) Dugout /ˈdʌgˌaʊt/ noun
4) Football /ˈfʊtˌbɑːl/ noun
5) Forehand /ˈfoɚˌhænd/ noun
6) Goal /ˈgoʊl/ noun

Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Learning English Vocabulary| Topic about Sports| 01


Learning English Vocabulary| Topic about Sports| 01watch?v=sQXpdSjLRoU

#LearningEnglishVocabulary #EnglishVocabulary #Sports Source: https://www.learnersdictionary.com/ Website: http://www.eng4free.info/ Learning English Vocabulary| Topic about Sports 01| Sports vocabulary 1) Amateur /ˈæməˌtɚ/ noun [count] 1. : a person who does something (such as a sport or hobby) for pleasure and not as a job - She played soccer as an amateur before turning professional. - These photos were taken by both amateurs and professionals. 2. : a person who does something poorly : a person who is not skillful at a job or other activity - The people running that company are a bunch of amateurs. - Only amateurs make this kind of mistake. - He's a mere amateur when it comes to cooking. [=he doesn't know how to cook well] — amateur adjective, always used before a noun - amateur photographers/athletes - an amateur competition [=a contest for amateurs] - They competed at the amateur level. — amateurism /ˈæməˌtɚˌɪzəm/ noun [noncount] - a strong supporter of amateurism in sports - the amateurism [=the lack of skill] of her writing style 2) Arena /əˈriːnə/ noun [count] 1. : a building for sports and other forms of entertainment that has a large central area surrounded by seats - a basketball/hockey arena 2. : an area of activity, interest, or competition - Congress became an arena of opposing views. - the toughest political arena in the world - The economic arena has been dominated by that country.   3) Athletic /æθˈlɛtɪk/ adjective (always used before a noun) 1. : of or relating to athletes - the national athletic association - They each received an athletic scholarship to the school. 2. : of or relating to sports, games, or exercises - Students can get discount tickets for all athletic events. - His athletic career spanned three decades. - the college's athletic department/director - She has great athletic ability. 3. always used before a noun : used by athletes : used during or for sports, games, or exercises - athletic socks/gear/shoes - the school's athletic field — athletically /æθˈlɛtɪkli/ adverb - She's tall and athletically built. 4) Backboard /ˈbækˌboɚd/ noun [count] basketball : the board behind the basket - plural backboards 5) Backhand /ˈbækˌhænd/ noun [count] sports 1. : a way of hitting a ball in tennis and similar games in which the back of the hand holding the racket is turned in the direction of the ball - She has a good backhand but a weak forehand. — often used before another noun - a backhand shot 2. : a catch in baseball and similar games that is made on the side of the body that is opposite the hand being used — often used before another noun - The shortstop made a nice backhand catch on a line drive. — backhand verb backhands; backhanded; backhanding [+ object] - She backhanded the ball over the net. - The shortstop backhanded the ball and threw to first for the out. 6) Batter /ˈbætɚ/ noun [count] baseball : a player who is trying to hit the ball : a player who is batting - The pitcher walked the first batter. - He's a good fielder but a poor batter. [=hitter] - She's a right-handed/left-handed batter.

Friday, August 7, 2020

Learning English Vocabulary| Learner's Dictionary| 06

 Source: https://www.learnersdictionary.com/

Word of today: 1) edible /ˈɛdəbəl/ adjective : suitable or safe to eat • edible fruit • a plant with edible leaves • All of the decorations on the gingerbread house were edible. — edibility /ˌɛdəˈbɪləti/ noun [noncount] — edibles noun, informal [plural] • cheese, crackers, and other edibles 2) time-out /ˈtaɪmˈaʊt/ noun 1. : a short period of time during a sports event when the game stops and the players rest or talk to their coach [count] • The coach asked for a time-out to talk to her players. • The coach called a time-out. • [noncount] • The quarterback called time-out [=asked for a time-out] with 20 seconds remaining. 2. : a short period of time when you stop doing something so that you can rest or do something else [count] • We've been working all morning. Let's take a time-out and get some coffee. • [noncount] • Let's take time-out for a few minutes. 3) dodge /ˈdɑːʤ/ verb 1. a [+ object] : to move quickly to one side in order to avoid being hit by (someone or something) • He dodged the first punch but was hit by the second. • dodging traffic 2. b always followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] : to move quickly in order to avoid being hit, seen, stopped, etc. • She dodged through the crowds as she hurried home. • He dodged [=ducked] behind the bushes. • We dodged between the cars as we raced across the street. 3. [+ object] : to get away from or avoid (someone or something) in a skillful or dishonest way • She dodged [=evaded] the question by changing the subject. • They managed to dodge the reporters by leaving through the back exit. • She accused him of dodging his responsibilities as a parent. • Many young men tried to dodge the draft [=to avoid being drafted into the military] by leaving the country. 4) (as) bold as brass /ˈæz ˈboʊld əz ˈbræs/ Idiom : not afraid at all : very confident or bold • I was too nervous to do it, but my sister went right up to him (as) bold as brass and asked for his autograph. 5) humanitarian /hjuˌmænəˈterijən/ noun [count] : a person who works to make other people's lives better • She has been recognized as a great humanitarian for her efforts to end world hunger. — humanitarian adjective, always used before a noun • humanitarian efforts • humanitarian aid [=help or money given to people, countries, etc., in order to improve living conditions] — humanitarianism /hjuˌmænəˈterijəˌnɪzəm/ noun [noncount] • She has been honored for her humanitarianism. 6) take it easy /ˈteɪk ət ˈiːzi/ idiom 1. : to relax and avoid hard work or strain • The doctor told her she should take it easy for a while. 2. : to stay or become calm and unexcited — usually used as a command • Take it easy, Joe. Everything is going to be just fine.

Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Learning English Vocabulary| Learner's Dictionary| 05

Word of today:
1) Contagious /kənˈteɪʤəs/ adjective

1. : able to be passed from one person or animal to another by touching
• a contagious disease
• It's a highly contagious virus.
2. : having a sickness that can be passed to someone else by touching
• I have a cold and I'm still contagious.
• I'm sick, but the doctor says I'm not contagious.
3. : capable of being easily spread to others : causing other people to feel or act a similar way
• She has a contagious smile. [=her smile makes other people smile; her smile makes other people happy]
• contagious enthusiasm/laughter
— contagiously adverb
— contagiousness noun, [noncount]

2) Spiral /ˈspaɪrəl/ noun
1. : a circular curving line that goes around a central point while getting closer to or farther away from it
• The glider flew in a wide spiral over the field.
2. : a situation in which something continuously increases, decreases, or gets worse — usually singular
• an inflationary spiral [=a continuous increase in prices]
• a spiral of problems
• Gas prices continued their dizzying upward spiral. [=gas prices got higher]
• His drug use drove him into a downward spiral. [=his condition became worse and worse]

3) Parade /pəˈreɪd/ noun
1. : a public celebration of a special day or event that usually includes many people and groups moving down a street by marching or riding in cars or on special vehicles (called floats)
• the annual Thanksgiving Day parade
• After the team won the championship, the city threw/had a parade for them.
• The town will put on a parade.
2. : a military ceremony in which soldiers march or stand in lines so that they can be examined by officers or other important people
3. : a long series of people or things that come one after the other — usually singular — usually + of
• We had a parade of visitors this morning. [=we had many visitors this morning]
• The prosecution called a parade of witnesses to the stand.
• We watched a parade of cars go by our house on the way to the stadium for the game.

4) Impractical /ɪmˈpræktɪkəl/ adjective
: not practical: such as
1. : not easy to do or use : not suitable for the situation
• Little sports cars are impractical for large families.
• an attractive but completely impractical pair of shoes [=shoes that look nice but are not comfortable for walking]
• an impractical plan/solution
2. of a person : not sensible : not able to deal with practical matters effectively
• He was a dreamy and impractical young man.
— impracticality /ɪmˌpræktɪˈkæləti/ noun, plural impracticalities
• They adopted the plan despite all its impracticalities.
• [noncount]
• the impracticality of the plan
— impractically /ɪmˈpræktɪkli/ adverb
• an impractically large book

5) Place setting /ˈpleɪs ˈsɛtɪŋ/ noun
: a set of dishes, knives, forks, etc., that are put on a table for one person
• Please lay another place setting for our guest.

6) Hang out /ˈhæŋ ˈaʊt/ phrasal verb
1. informal : to be or stay somewhere for a period of time without doing much
• The gang hangs out at the corner store.
• Our dog spends all his time hanging out [=hanging around ] on the front porch.
2. hang out with (someone) informal : to spend time relaxing, talking, or doing something with (someone) : to hang around with (someone)
• He spent a couple of days hanging out with his old friends.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Learning English Vocabulary| Learner's Dictionary |04

Word of today (Section 04):
1) mobilize /ˈmoʊbəˌlaɪz/ verb
1. [+ object] : to bring (people) together for action
• The President mobilized [=rallied] his supporters.
• They couldn't mobilize enough support to pass the new law.
2. [no object] : to come together for action
• Several groups have mobilized to oppose the proposed new law.
• They have the ability to mobilize quickly.
3. [+ object] : to make (soldiers, an army, etc.) ready for war
• The government had to mobilize the army quickly.
• More than 10,000 troops were mobilized for war.
• mobilizing the nation's resources
— mobilization /ˌmoʊbələˈzeɪʃən/
British mobilisation /ˌməʊbəˌlaɪˈzeɪʃən/
noun, plural mobilizations [count, noncount]
• The army carried out a full-scale mobilization.

2) oops /ˈʊps/ interjection
— used to express surprise or distress or to say in a mild way that you are sorry about having done or said something wrong
• Oops [=whoops, woops], I spilled a little milk.
• Oops, I didn't mean to do that.

3) core /ˈkoɚ/ noun
1. : the central part of a fruit (such as an apple) that contains the seeds
• an apple core
2. : the central part of something
• the core of a golf ball
• The pads have a foam core.
• the engine core
3. : the most important or basic part of something
• Lack of money is the core of the problem.
• The core of the government's plan is to provide loans for small businesses.
• voters who form the core of the party
• The economy is at the very core of this year's election.

4) platter /ˈplætɚ/ noun
1. : a large plate that is used for serving food and especially meat
• a silver platter
2. : the food that is served on a platter
• large platters of hot turkey and ham
• a platter [=plate] of cheese and crackers
3. : a meal in a restaurant that has a particular type of food
• The chicken platter comes with fries and coleslaw.
• She ordered the seafood platter.

5) egotist /ˈiːgəˌtɪst/ noun
: a person who has the feeling or belief that they are better, more important, more talented, etc., than other people
• a selfish egotist

6) braid /ˈbreɪd/ noun
1. [count] chiefly US : an arrangement of hair made by weaving three sections together
• She wore her hair in a long braid. [=(chiefly Brit) plait]
2. [noncount] : a piece of cord or ribbon made of three or more strands woven together
• a hat trimmed with braid

Saturday, August 1, 2020

Learning English Vocabulary| Learner's Dictionary| 03

debt /ˈdɛt/  noun
1.    [count] : an amount of
money that you owe to a person, bank, company, etc.
He is trying to pay off gambling debts.
The company has run up huge debts.
Their debts are
piling up.
2.    [noncount] : the
state of owing money to someone or something
He is drowning in a sea of debt. [=he owes a very large amount of money]
a mountain of debt

casserole /ˈkæsəˌroʊl/  noun
1.    : food (such as meat, noodles,
and vegetables) baked together and served in a deep dish
a seafood casserole
I made tuna casserole for
2.     [count] : a
deep dish used for baking
meat and noodles served in a casserole
— called also casserole

assortment /əˈsoɚtmənt/  noun
[count] : a
group or collection of different things or people
an assortment of vegetables
The book has a wonderful assortment of characters.
You can choose from a wide assortment of

alternate /ˈɑːltɚˌneɪt/  verb
: to place or do (different things) so that one follows the
other in a repeated series
[+ object]
To make the appetizer, you should alternate layers of tomatoes and cheese.
[=you should place a layer of tomatoes, then a layer of cheese, then a layer of
tomatoes, etc.]
The poem/poet alternates fear and hope.
— often + with
The necklace is made by alternating glass beads with shells.
The poem/poet alternates fear and hope with each other. = The poem/poet alternates fear with hope.

shabby /ˈʃæbi/  adjective
1.     : in poor condition especially because of age or use
The furniture was old and shabby.
He wore a shabby coat.
Her first apartment was pretty shabby.
2.     : dressed in clothes that are old and worn
shabby workmen
3.     informal : not fair,
generous, or reasonable
They complained about the shabby treatment
they received at the hotel.