Friday, August 7, 2020

Learning English Vocabulary| Learner's Dictionary| 06

 Source: https://www.learnersdictionary.com/

Word of today: 1) edible /ˈɛdəbəl/ adjective : suitable or safe to eat • edible fruit • a plant with edible leaves • All of the decorations on the gingerbread house were edible. — edibility /ˌɛdəˈbɪləti/ noun [noncount] — edibles noun, informal [plural] • cheese, crackers, and other edibles 2) time-out /ˈtaɪmˈaʊt/ noun 1. : a short period of time during a sports event when the game stops and the players rest or talk to their coach [count] • The coach asked for a time-out to talk to her players. • The coach called a time-out. • [noncount] • The quarterback called time-out [=asked for a time-out] with 20 seconds remaining. 2. : a short period of time when you stop doing something so that you can rest or do something else [count] • We've been working all morning. Let's take a time-out and get some coffee. • [noncount] • Let's take time-out for a few minutes. 3) dodge /ˈdɑːʤ/ verb 1. a [+ object] : to move quickly to one side in order to avoid being hit by (someone or something) • He dodged the first punch but was hit by the second. • dodging traffic 2. b always followed by an adverb or preposition, [no object] : to move quickly in order to avoid being hit, seen, stopped, etc. • She dodged through the crowds as she hurried home. • He dodged [=ducked] behind the bushes. • We dodged between the cars as we raced across the street. 3. [+ object] : to get away from or avoid (someone or something) in a skillful or dishonest way • She dodged [=evaded] the question by changing the subject. • They managed to dodge the reporters by leaving through the back exit. • She accused him of dodging his responsibilities as a parent. • Many young men tried to dodge the draft [=to avoid being drafted into the military] by leaving the country. 4) (as) bold as brass /ˈæz ˈboʊld əz ˈbræs/ Idiom : not afraid at all : very confident or bold • I was too nervous to do it, but my sister went right up to him (as) bold as brass and asked for his autograph. 5) humanitarian /hjuˌmænəˈterijən/ noun [count] : a person who works to make other people's lives better • She has been recognized as a great humanitarian for her efforts to end world hunger. — humanitarian adjective, always used before a noun • humanitarian efforts • humanitarian aid [=help or money given to people, countries, etc., in order to improve living conditions] — humanitarianism /hjuˌmænəˈterijəˌnɪzəm/ noun [noncount] • She has been honored for her humanitarianism. 6) take it easy /ˈteɪk ət ˈiːzi/ idiom 1. : to relax and avoid hard work or strain • The doctor told her she should take it easy for a while. 2. : to stay or become calm and unexcited — usually used as a command • Take it easy, Joe. Everything is going to be just fine.


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