Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Learning English Vocabulary| Topic about Sports| 01


Learning English Vocabulary| Topic about Sports| 01watch?v=sQXpdSjLRoU

#LearningEnglishVocabulary #EnglishVocabulary #Sports Source: https://www.learnersdictionary.com/ Website: http://www.eng4free.info/ Learning English Vocabulary| Topic about Sports 01| Sports vocabulary 1) Amateur /ˈæməˌtɚ/ noun [count] 1. : a person who does something (such as a sport or hobby) for pleasure and not as a job - She played soccer as an amateur before turning professional. - These photos were taken by both amateurs and professionals. 2. : a person who does something poorly : a person who is not skillful at a job or other activity - The people running that company are a bunch of amateurs. - Only amateurs make this kind of mistake. - He's a mere amateur when it comes to cooking. [=he doesn't know how to cook well] — amateur adjective, always used before a noun - amateur photographers/athletes - an amateur competition [=a contest for amateurs] - They competed at the amateur level. — amateurism /ˈæməˌtɚˌɪzəm/ noun [noncount] - a strong supporter of amateurism in sports - the amateurism [=the lack of skill] of her writing style 2) Arena /əˈriːnə/ noun [count] 1. : a building for sports and other forms of entertainment that has a large central area surrounded by seats - a basketball/hockey arena 2. : an area of activity, interest, or competition - Congress became an arena of opposing views. - the toughest political arena in the world - The economic arena has been dominated by that country.   3) Athletic /æθˈlɛtɪk/ adjective (always used before a noun) 1. : of or relating to athletes - the national athletic association - They each received an athletic scholarship to the school. 2. : of or relating to sports, games, or exercises - Students can get discount tickets for all athletic events. - His athletic career spanned three decades. - the college's athletic department/director - She has great athletic ability. 3. always used before a noun : used by athletes : used during or for sports, games, or exercises - athletic socks/gear/shoes - the school's athletic field — athletically /æθˈlɛtɪkli/ adverb - She's tall and athletically built. 4) Backboard /ˈbækˌboɚd/ noun [count] basketball : the board behind the basket - plural backboards 5) Backhand /ˈbækˌhænd/ noun [count] sports 1. : a way of hitting a ball in tennis and similar games in which the back of the hand holding the racket is turned in the direction of the ball - She has a good backhand but a weak forehand. — often used before another noun - a backhand shot 2. : a catch in baseball and similar games that is made on the side of the body that is opposite the hand being used — often used before another noun - The shortstop made a nice backhand catch on a line drive. — backhand verb backhands; backhanded; backhanding [+ object] - She backhanded the ball over the net. - The shortstop backhanded the ball and threw to first for the out. 6) Batter /ˈbætɚ/ noun [count] baseball : a player who is trying to hit the ball : a player who is batting - The pitcher walked the first batter. - He's a good fielder but a poor batter. [=hitter] - She's a right-handed/left-handed batter.


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